"O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear."
And sure enough, there was the lovely smiling man who buttered my everything bagel and poured my French vanilla coffee. I told him why I had stopped in, and he smiled even more and was ever so pleased. We wished each other a Merry Christmas.
Perhaps four, five times at most in my life, I've stopped in this deli on the way to work and my life seems richer for having encountered this man.
Today we ask Christ under the name Emmanuel to come and visit his people. Emmanuel means "God with us." This is the central meaning of the incarnation, that God has come down and (as John's Gospel says) pitched his tent among us. It's not a God who peers down at us "from a distance," as the popular song says, but one who is right here among us, in the midst of our human condition. Perhaps in the beauty or sublimity of the natural world, as poet Gerard Manley Hopkins loved to tell us. Or in the love of a friend. Perhaps in a homeless person we meet on the street. Or in the smile of a man behind a deli counter.
In what ways is God-with-you?
Through you. Make no answering jokes or protests. Just have a blessed holy day.
ReplyDeleteBest Christmas gift I got ... thing is, you mean it, not just "trying to make me feel good."