Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Advent Antiphon 5: "Holy Highway"

"A highway will be there, called the holy way. It is for those with a journey to make.... Those whom the Lord ransomed will return and enter Zion singing."

When out on the trail, hikers often come to spots where a wooden path has been laid down for them to walk on instead of on the actual ground. It could be a couple of planks side by side or a full boardwalk, such as in this photo of an Audubon Refuge in Rhode Island. It could be a dozen yards long or much longer. The most dramatic I've ever seen is in the mountains of northern Sweden, stretching miles and miles ahead into the wilderness. The path's purpose could be to protect fragile plant life on the trail, or it could be to protect the hiker from falling into a swamp.
Whenever I walk on one of these paths I always think of this passage from Isaiah. Read the entire passage when you get the chance: Isa 35:1-10. It is THE Advent passage par excellence.  Full of hope, vindication, true joy that reaches into and wells up from deep within the heart and that no one can take away. Along that special highway you'll see streams bursting forth in the desert, gorgeous flowers blooming in impossible places. Somewhere on that holy highway the Lord has prepared a stunningly beautiful vista, just for you. Perhaps it will replace a view of ugliness, or perhaps it will be the beyond-wildest-dreams fulfillment of a hope you cherish. Only you know -- or maybe the Lord will entirely surprise you.

1 comment:

  1. The Holy Highway--a path meant to protect us from certain things and, perhaps more surprising, meant to protect others from us. Maybe protect us from ourselves? I can use some of that.
